Sunday, July 27, 2008

Weekend Photo Challenge

Jae got to pick the topic this week. "Take a picture non family related and write a haiku"

This is all I could muster right now


Oh damn dreadful cold
You ruin my vacation
Gee arr arr arr arr


Homeslice said...

girl, even when you are sick you are funnier than shit. i am laughing my butt off! hope you are feeling less nasty soon.

Jennifer said...

Ha! At the haiku, not your cold.

jae said...

It's just dripping with enthusiasm! ;) just kiddin

Hope you start feeling well soon.

Jess said...

LMAO! Hilarious! I'm sorry you are feeling bad, you're still ridiculously funny though.

Sara said...

That's pretty damn good for being sick. Mine would have just been "F*ck Haiku." I do not tolerate sick well.

Mimi said...

Oh no! Poor thing! I hope you're feeling better!

Christina said...

LMAO, too funny! Hope you are feeling better and that you have a great vacation.

Unknown said...

Manda, you're so freaking cute.